Wednesday 3 February 2016


*Dislike* 02/02/2016

stock markets crashing raise my spirits
the pig funerals ripping forth cheers
how is it that downfalls of evilness
cause pain in the creators of it
like, fuck, you motherfuck. you made it now sleep in it
got these last final years yet im tied
to do anything in essence against it
unless i want to spend my last days caged in it
leftist revolutionist sought sex unto defeatedness
spent ten fiending for it
took three to sicken of it
spent, as i said, like the thread
on the backs of the children sipping
mediterranean waters escaping it
drowning in it
like the alcoholics throwing fits without it
and the status seekers seeking it
posting it and updating it
liking it
you see them running hot streets
avoiding even hotter houses in deserts
militaristic mustached malnurished
you see the same thing everyone sees
doesnt that say something?
that maybe its what youre supposed to see
instead of whats there to be seen
you suppose?
possible, i say
that feelings can be manufactured
sights and sounds sold to you
even though your physical and mental dont want it
pukes it
rejects it with every fiber of your essence
but swallows it because everyones doing it
and to be left out of its worse
than dying because of it
washed up on it
like the beaches of Lesbos
three foot tall corpses
twelve year olds gunned down
in the streets of it
toys clutched
perpetrators forgiven because contrasts correct
to the establishment of whiteness
that evilizes blackness
like the watered down substances of poorness
but protects the bullets of blueness
the more pure drugs allowd in deeper pockets
threaded-much waddling backfatness
pushing buttons and steering expensiveness
down potholeless lanes air conditioned
in and out same temperatures
stagnant cellulite coolness
chemicals in balance because they created imbalance
mental wellness of those that created its illness
when even the stickers of terrorist
stuck with the sticky hands that embody it
and then you want me to raise a family in it
you want me to laugh beside you in it
to lie to the young about it
because its best
for their happiness
for happiness
its all about the happiness
the constant reaching and typing for emoji moments
of insignificant happiness
momentary fleeting memed happiness
these words dedicated
to the suffering in it
the solitary confinement
the bloody ghetto cement
and sugar lined lips lying limp on beaches
strengthen off the reality of it
evolve from it
as the majority pig class regresses and atrophies in it

an illegal truth